摘要:The aim of the study was to cross-validate the “Physical Activity and Leisure Motivation Scale” in a Greekdance context. The sample of the study consisted of 390 dancers, 249 coming from folk dance groups and141 from non-folk dance groups. The validity and reliability of the questionnaire were checked by performinga confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and an internal consistency analysis using Cronbach's alpha. Descriptivestatistics were calculated to broadly examine the participation motives for the different physical activities.One way Anova analysis was used to examine the gender and the differences of the dance kind about theparticipation motives. From the analysis of the results we came to the following conclusions: a. The Greekversion of PALMS has shown stable psychometric properties, which partially support its use in the danceactivities context. b. Folk dance, even in its artistic form, remains an intrinsic motivation physical activitysince “enjoyment” is the major motive for participating in it. c. Non-folk dancing constitutes both an intrinsicand external motivation physical activity, oriented to the dancer’s ego.
关键词:cross-validate; traditional dance; classic and modern dance