摘要:What is commonly referred to as evaluation is the result of two operations, the first of which is representedby the measurement/ evaluation and the other by the assessment.The assessment is a milestone in the teaching-learning process both for the teacher who, thanks toobjectives tests, can assess the student’s performance, and for the pupils who, through the data collected bythe teacher can achieve a self-assessment of the developed competences and so stimulate the learningprocess. This study, carried out in lower junior secondary school, points out the improvements obtained by20 students through quantitative tests in the first term; during the summative evaluation of the first term,the students were submitted to a questionnaire that enables them to self evaluate and assess the importanceof the objective tests used by the teacher. The goal is to highlight the importance of self-assessment in theteaching-learning process also as a motivation instrument for the learner. Specifically, the aim of this studyis to search a testing model for physical and sport education in senior school students and to verify therelation between quantitative and qualitative aspects for themselves. Method is experimental according tocase study theory. The results show improvements in quantitative variables, while the self-perceptionquestionnaire showed that 73% of the students feel more motivated in performing physical activities knowingthey are subjected to quantitative tests. In conclusion, the assessment is a milestone in the teachinglearningprocess as it allows you to analyze the initial situation, check and re-orient the educational choices,make a summative evaluation of the school year.
关键词:self perception; evaluation; questionnaire; shuttle; long jump