摘要:The study is a point of view on the pedagogical value of physical activity. It deepens the meaning of bodyand its learning mechanisms, the incidence of exercise in development process of the childhood, highlightingthe needs of space and time for movement. It focuses on the relationship between body, movement andmotor skills in the childhood and, above all, is given a pedagogical value of the playful activity as the mostimportant source of learning. The children feel the need to have their own space and time to play and thatshows their personalities in the relationship among them in an educational setting. The aim is to summarizethe meaning of a complex phenomenon on contribution to pedagogy and to conclude in order with thephysical education paradigm. The method is the literature review with a theoretical argumentative process bya deductive approach throughout a specific analysis of bibliographic aspects. In conclusion, the EmbodiedCognitive Science (ECS) could be the main stream to run.