摘要:Special needs are a new way to tell the uncomfortable situation of the people related to a bio-psycho-socialcondition in an anthropological vision of the context. The aim of this study is to analyze and to deduct troughmanagement evidences if the sport could generate socio-economic benefits for people with special needs andbe used for usual principles of business management. The method is conducted by a brief literature reviewusing several electronic journal databases and the results are in compliance with PRISMA approach. It carriesout specific results in order to make athletes with special needs reach a level of self-esteem and autonomysignificantly higher than those who do not practice sports, which is significantly reaching the social inclusionand, as a result, "economic" inclusion. So, it emerges as a managerial governance of special needs sports toarrange the competitive and amateur sports activities. In conclusion, it is better to invest in this field interms of social and economic goals of the inclusion with special needs people.