摘要:The main goal of the study was to determine the differences in anthropological status of young soccerplayers of different chronological, biological and training age. The subject sample included 47 young malesoccer players whose mean chronological age was 14.79±1.17 years, mean biological age 14.67±1.20 andmean training age 7.09±1.47 years. Three morphological measurements were taken: body height, sittingheight and body mass. Body mass index (BMI) and Peak height velocity (PHV) were calculated subsequently.By applying the K-means taxonomic analysis, two clusters were defined with categorical variableschronological age, indicator of biological age and training age, and by applying the univariate analysis ofvariance (ANOVA), significant differences were found in all the observed variables of anthropological status.All the applied variables differentiated the formed clusters significantly. Further analysis determineddescriptive parameters of anthropometric characteristics, motor abilities and the results of functional testwhich was represented by three variables. The obtained results indicate that chronologically and biologicallymore mature soccer player, who have been included in the training process longer, have greater body andsitting height, they are heavier and have better results in all the measured motor abilities, as well as thefunctional test applied.