出版社:Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), Paris
摘要:This paper intends to present the petroglyph site of Zamthang(Zam thang) located in the Lungnak (Lung nag) valley of Zanskar(bZangs dkar), Kargil district of Ladakh (La dwags),Jammu and Kashmir, India. It will show that this site can be consideredas the most important one from about 20 known rock art sites inZanskar. The paper starts with a brief history of the awareness andknowledge of the country’s rock art heritage and its main actors beforeconcentrating on the history of that particular site documentationitself. The problems and prospects of rock art conservation anddevelopment in this area will also be briefly discussed. Subsequently,the paper attempts a full description of the site’s setting, its contentand the chronology of its survey and documentation. The currentcondition of the site as well as the prospects for its enhancement andprotection will also be presented. A brief comparative overview ofsome of the major and most relevant elements of its content will bediscussed and aim at defining a timeframe. To conclude, the neighbouringrock art sites as well as other linked historical remains willbriefly be presented together with some geographical specificationswith a view to highlight the anthropological potential of the area andthe much-required interdisciplinary and systematic study.