期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies
出版社:TechScience Publications
摘要:Routing is a process of sending dedicated packetsfrom valid source to the valid destination through a devicecalled as router. This routing periodically changes if there wasany node failure or link failure occurred intermediatelyduring data transmission. An overlay network is a computernetwork that is built on top of another network; Overlayrouting is used for various network users for sending the datathrough network, by using this there is no need to change thestandards of current routing scheme when there was anydelay or loss during the data transfer. For this networking werequired an overlay infrastructure. In order to build thisnetwork it requires huge maintenance cost for usage as well asdeployment. This mainly gives rise for following optimizationproblem like: First we need to optimize the network byfinding very minimal set of overlay nodes in order to satisfythe routing and there is no facility like monitoring anddetecting the routing problems in the activities ofcommunicating nodes between each other. In current overlaynetwork failed in reducing the infrastructure of the nodes. Wereduce the number of infrastructure nodes that need to beadded in order to maintain a specific property in the overlayrouting. The Border Gateway Protocol contain routing tablecontain list of known routers with address they can reach, anda cost metric associated with the path to each router, bestavailable route is chosen. Here we using AS-level BGProuting is used for finding a minimal number of nodes and itdetermines the shortest path routing between the source anddestination. We are using AES encryption for encrypting thedata as well as we are reducing the minimal number of relaynodes during data transmission, hence we called the proposedrouting protocol as hybrid routing protocol. There is anadvantage with overlay network, no need to redesign thenetwork, where we can reduce a lot of delay, packets loss andreduce maintenance cost. This infrastructure may beapplicable in applications for better performance in efficientmanner.