期刊名称:International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies
出版社:TechScience Publications
摘要:The advent of cloud computing technology hasfacilitated storage of the huge amount of data on the servers.The multi-tenancy feature of cloud-based systems putadditional load on database servers and the retrieval of databecomes a major issue. There is need to improve thetechniques of data retrieval from cloud databases, so that thequery processing time can be further reduced. Caching is oneof the prominent techniques to improve the query processingtime of SQL based systems. In this paper, a framework basedon caching mechanism is proposed, that aims to reduce thequery processing time of NoSQL datastore queries. It cachesfrequently issued queries and results on the database tier ofthe server. For cache replacement, a simple least recentlyused policy is implemented. Experiments conducted on HBaseshow that in order to reduce the query processing time of theNoSQL datastores queries, caching is a viable alternative