期刊名称:International Journal of Advances in Soft Computing and Its Applications
出版社:International Center for Scientific Research and Studies
摘要:The job shop scheduling problem (JSSP) is regarded as one of the problems which is widely studied. This paper presents a bee colony optimization (BCO) algorithm with a local search named the modified two-enhancement scheme with neighbourhood N5 perturbation (BCO+mTESN5) to solve the JSSP. In previous research, the BCO algorithm with TESN5 local search (BCO+TESN5) is applied to solve the JSSP. The BCO+TESN5 algorithm uses a brute force strategy in performing the N5 neighbourhood local search. However, the brute force local search strategy incurs expensive overhead. To address the high overhead issue, the BCO+mTESN5 algorithm is proposed where the local search is performed on a targeted bottleneck machine within the N5 neighbourhood structure. The selection of the targeted bottleneck machine is done based on a list of bottleneck machines identified by the shifting bottleneck heuristic (SBH). Two selection strategies are tested to select the targeted bottleneck machine, namely: the greedy selection and the linear ranking selection. The proposed algorithms are examined using a set of benchmark problems obtained from the OR-library. The results show that the proposed BCO+mTESN5 with linear ranking selection successfully solves 54% of the 82 OR-library benchmark dataset to ≤ 1% from known optimum and it is comparable to the BCO+TESN5 algorithm. In terms of computational time to obtain the best makespan, the proposed BCO+mTESN5 with linear ranking selection outperforms the BCO+TESN5 algorithm by 25%.