期刊名称:Lapis Lazuli : an International Literary Journal
出版社:Pinter Society of India
摘要:The word „dalit‟ refers to the members of those menial castes who are considered outcaste and untouchable. In Hindu caste system, they are physically and socially eliminated from the society because of the impure and polluting works assigned to them. Although untouchability was banned and made illegal in post-independent India, the discrimination and prejudice against dalits still continue. They regularly face struggles and subjugation from the dominant communities. Dalit women in India experience domestic violence, gender discrimination and oppression not only from the outside society but also within their own community. The situation of the women in dalit communities is adverse as they are doubly exploited, first as women and then as dalits. The aim of the present study is to explore the distressing effects of the caste based social system on dalit women from the autobiographies of Baby Kamble and Urmila Pawar