出版社:Economic Laboratory for Transition Research Podgorica
摘要:The theme of the paper is focused on the application TOPSISmethod in condition of the presence of spatial dependence. Theoccurrence of positive spatial dependence is embedded in themajority of economic phenomena. According to Tobler’s first law ofgeography, one of the key issues in doing the regional research isconsidering spatial location. Failure to consider the existing spatialdependence for the analysed phenomena can lead to cognitiveerrors. Therefore the purpose of this article is to take into accountthe issue of the consideration of spatial dependence within theTOPSIS method. The realisation of the objective set in the presentarticle allowed the development of the procedure for constructingthe spatial taxonomic measure of development sTMD using theTOPSIS method. Spatial dependence will be taken into account byusing the potential strength of the interaction between the regions.The spatial taxonomic measure of development (sTMD) calculatedby means of the modified TOPSIS method allows to determine thetrend in the level of the development of the phenomenon understudy, assuming the impact of the spatial mechanisms.The spatial taxonomic measure of development (sTMD) defined inthat way has been applied in the analysis of the situation on thelabour market in Poland. The study will be carried out for the territorialcomposition of 66 subregions (NUTS 3 level) as of 2013. Theresearch allowed us to assess the situation in 2013 and to identifythe trend in the development of the labour market. The analysisappointed to the usefulness of the proposed measure sTMD, whichis complementary to the use of the others taxonomic measure inthe process of explaining the economic reality. The use of thespatial taxonomic measure of development allows expanding theresults by conclusions concerning the trend in development of theanalysed phenomenon
关键词:numeric taxonomy;TOPSIS;Taxonomic Measure of Development; spatial;econometrics;spatial dependence