摘要:In our current ceramics education history, creative interpretations and construction techniques etc. are being taught. In addition to these techniques using critical pedagogy is crucial as well. In this paper a red figured Attica kylix, an antic Greek vase from Late Archaic Period (480-490 BC) drawn by painter Macron and done by potter Hieron, is analyzed through critical pedagogy. Applying this technique the study intends to highlight both history and ceramics art education. Keywords: Ceramic, ceramic education, art criticism, theories of criticism, Hieron, Macron, Attica kylix
关键词:Ceramic, ceramic education, art criticism, theories of criticism, Hieron, Macron, Attica kylix;Seramik, seramik eğitimi, sanat eleştirisi, pedagojik eleştiri, Hieron, Makron, Attika kylix