摘要:The aim of that study is, to determine the state of educational supervisors in regard with their exhaustion, job satisfaction, and professional development, based on the research results done between 1996-2012, considering the primary schools in Turkey. Therefore, to synthesize the qualitative and quantitative research results, a meta-synthesize method as a qualitative research design, was used in that study. The theses and dissertations carried out on the specified subject were scrutinized along with the inclusion and exclusion processes, and ultimately 8 studies were included in the study. The findings obtained in those researches were analyzed and synthesized according to meta-synthesis steps; and meta-synthesis study was achieved within the determined themes. In terms of exhaustion, job satisfaction, and professional development, the obtained findings revealed that supervisors experienced exhaustion and job satisfaction at low and medium levels. In addition, the expertise levels of supervisors through supervision process were found at medium level according to the perceptions of supervisors and teachers. Some suggestions were given along with the obtained results.
关键词:Educational supervision, supervisor, professional development, exhaustion, job satisfaction, metasynthesis;Eğitim denetimi, denetmen, mesleki gelişim, tükenmişlik, iş tatmini, meta-sentez