摘要:Abstract The aim of this research is to determine the perception of primary inspectors regarding teacher behaviours in the classroom environment during the first segment of elementary education. Therefore (1) the perception of primary inspectors regarding teacher behaviourshin classrooms in the first segment of elementary education; whether this perception makes significant difference due to the level of education , seniority and gender and (2) teachers' behaviours in the classroom environment were investigated.,. for data collection 261 primary school inspectors working in the directories of education in some provinces of the following cities:Adıyaman, Batman, Diyarbakır, Gaziantep, Kilis, Mardin, Siirt, Şanlıurfa ve Şırnak in South-east Anatolian Region of Turkey during the academic years of 2008-2009. Surveys were applied on 210 inspectors in these cities, however only 188 surveys wereevaluated. . In the research a questionnaire of 27 items with the title "Scale of Teacher Behaviours Within Classroom" was used and developed by Büyüköztürk, Kılıç, Karadeniz and Karataş (2004) . For analysis of the datum T-test, variance of analysis (one-way) and Scheffe test were used. Meaningfulness level was taken as 0,05. After the analysis of datum some important results can be specified in this way: (1) Depending on the level of education and seniority variables, a significant difference is determined among perceptions of primary school inspectors regarding the teacher behaviours in classroom environments in the first segment of elementary education. (2) The general average point of the perception of primary school inspectors regarding teacher behaviours within classrooms in the first segment of elementary education is in "sometimes" level. (3) The inspectors agreed with the statement "They guide their students to see their own mistakes about subjects they misunderstood" the most, on the other hand they agreed with the statement "They permit students to determine learning methods by themselves" the least about teacher behaviours within classroom. Keywords: Inspection, primary inspector, teacher behaviours within classroom.