摘要:Abstract The aim of this study is to determine the perceptions of prospective teachers of the effectiveness of Instructional Technology and Material Development (ITMD) course in gaining the principles of material development. For that aim, third year students of Education and Technical Education Faculties at Fırat University in 2007-2008 academic year were included in the study. A five-point Likert-type scale was developed and used in the study. The scale was piloted on 174 students to measure the validity and reliability and was administered on 667 students for the main study. Frequency, percent, levene, t and MWU tests were used to analyze the data. Students' views were analyzed in terms of gender and faculty variables. It was determined that the female students perceived ITMG course better in gaining the principles of material development than the males. The students of Technical Education Faculty found ITMD course more effective in terms of learning the principles of developing and updating the instructional materials and using them in real life than those of Education Faculty. It was also determined that the students mostly use computer as an instructional material and that the students of Technical Education Faculty use instructional materials more than the students of Education Faculty. Key Words: Instructional material, Education Faculty, Technical Education Faculty, Prospective teacher