摘要:ABSTRACT Industrial approach of the new millenium does not comprise only the responsibility to create a healthy society, but also the responsibility to develop sustainable production systems that minimise environmental degradations. This minimisation is probably the most important social responsibility of the enterprises. In order to fulfil this, they must undertake enviromental friendly policies in the production management and include environmental issues in their production functions. Today, serious environmental damages happened as a result of increase of industrial activity and rapidly developing technologies. In many developed countries, it is understood that the classical environmental protection approach which focuses on pollution control (end-of-pipe treatment technologies) is not an efficient environmental management, so new approaches and techniques have been adopted. Especially, the concept of "cleaner production" that is put forward with the concept of "sustainable progress" is considered as the best way to solve environmental problems. In this respect, integrated preventive environmental management and cleaner production practices gain essential significance. KeyWords:Clean/Cleaner production, industrial pollution, Eco-efficency