出版社:Universidad Autonoma de baja California - México
摘要:The promotion of the enterprising spirit and the support to the entrepreneurship and to self-employed are lines of performance that the European Commission recommends to the members states to help the young men and unemployed adults to look for a professional exit in the field of the autonomous employment. This work analyzes one of the lines of performance as for support to the creation of employment: the evolution of the number of beneficiaries taken refuge in the program of support to the autonomous Spanish employment during the period of 1998-2002, with special reference to the implication of the 25-year-old minor young men in the same one.
关键词:Entrepreneurship;young people;education;programme of support to employed;regions.;Espíritu emprendedor;jóvenes;educación;programas de apoyo para desempleados;regiones.