摘要:Calculation of the pronosupination subastragalina in athletes of baskettball in surcolombiana university Pronosupination of subastragalina articulation was calculated as an objective of study during the straigh line race for atheltes from the female (n=9) and male (n=11) baskeball party within previous cases of sprain of neck of foot; variables kinanthropometry were added to (weigth, heigth, skinfolds, perimeter muscle and diameter bones) wich info about body composition were got, somatotype and kinanthropometry index. The data was analysed througth SPSS 17.0 on/in window xp . First at all the info was apliced an univariate descriptive analysis, then an bivariate analysis was approached in ordernto make clear likeness between goth of the variables that were analysed, so a general test called chi- cuadrado (Chi 2 ) of independencia para 2 variables was carried out in a 95% level of trusty taxing into account the rechazo of the independencia among the variables about the p-result was less than 0,05. Meaning ful results into supination and pronation levels of harmed parts wich body composition, as long as the variables kinanthropometry related to esstra estudies.