首页    期刊浏览 2024年06月02日 星期日


  • 标题:Director Profile: Mai Masri
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  • 作者:Latika Padgaonkar
  • 期刊名称:Wide Screen
  • 印刷版ISSN:1757-3920
  • 出版年度:2011
  • 卷号:3
  • 期号:1
  • 出版社:Subaltern Media
  • 摘要:There’s no one quite like her. A Palestinian woman with a camera, tracking every Middle East conflict for close to thirty years: the various Israeli invasions of Lebanon and the country’s protracted civil war, the Intifada, the Palestinian uprising of 2000. But she has done it in her own way. Her concern has been not the war or the rubble, but the human angle, the daily lives, the daily losses, the daily frustrations. Living “ with war and inside it, and on the frontlines and fault-lines, yet focusing on ordinary people in extraordinary situations” as she puts it, Mai Masri has relentlessly chronicled life in refugee camps, the hopes and fears of children and women and the changes she sees around her. She has a gentle, smiling face and great dignity. Her life has been one of resilience and patience. Most of all, she has not lost hope.
  • 关键词:arab cinema, mai masri, interview, cultural studies, politics