摘要:The objective of the present article was to analyze the clinical work with regressive patients. The understanding of regressive patients was supported by a conceptual revision of Winnicott’s theory interlaced with the practical clinical interaction of individual psychodynamic psychotherapy. The clinical construction was guided by the environment failures of the therapist during the psychotherapeutic process. Thus, the technical perspective was used to handle specific features of the patient-psychotherapist relationship. In the present article, the handling and holding techniques were emphasized and some examples of difficulties in dealing with regressive patients were discussed.
关键词:Descriptores: práctica clínica;pacientes regresivos;teoría de Winnicott;manejo técnico;clinique pratique ;patients régressifs ;la théorie de Winnicott ;manipulation ;accueil ;techniques de psychothérapie.;prática clínica, pacientes regressivos, teoria Winnicottiana, manejo técnico.