摘要:The article analyzes the relations between the epistemic and the pragmatic, that is, between the knowledge theory(ies) that one assumes and the practices that originate from it(them), with a view to contributing to reeducation vis-à-vis the serious problems that arise from a devastating relation in/against nature in the most general sense. As it is not possible to discuss all major paradigmatic-epistemological ruptures that postulate more productive relations with the environment in our times, the article focuses on the main consequences brought by phenomenology and its developments, in contemporary times, with the resulting educational possibilities that redirect practices and attitudes in the relation between human beings and the environment. The passage from the philosophy of consciousness to the philosophy of language is considered here as an opening of a wide spectrum of dialogical forms founded on communication ascribing meanings to individual and collective practices, where the space and time of education are decisive for the epistemological mediation in human relations with the environment. Key words: environmental education, epistemology and environment, language, modernity and knowledge.