摘要:At school, reading aloud is mechanical, repetitive, and meaningless. It has neither purpose nor real audience. This perception is away from its social and aesthetic sense: a communication experience that develops competence motivates and emerges emotions in social settings where occurs. This paper intends to take advance its social potential to promote reading. As part of a larger study on the formation of children as reading promoters through radio broadcasting, results of the diagnostic phase are reported, whose purpose was to know how a group of 27 primary school students from Lobatera, Táchira state, read aloud. Children were classified into three groups: fluid reader, moderately fluent reader and little fluid reader. Children classified as “fluent readers” demonstrated suitability in: voice volume, words articulation, pauses and intonation. In spite of these strengths, some weaknesses related to inadequate realization of pauses and intonation of exclamation and interrogation, and expressive reading persist.
关键词:Reading aloud;Reading promotion;Communitarian radio broadcast;Lectura en voz alta;Promoción de la lectura;Radio comunitaria