出版社:Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
摘要:In this article the antennae sword type Echauri/Quesada II will be analysed starting from a detailed and compared revision of some known pieces. Their morfotecnical study and incorporation of unedited examples or examples that have not been studied in depth, will give us some clues about its relationship of origin with the aquitaine focal point and will enable us to distinguish four differentiated groups within this type. Attention will be paid to the form of the blades, antennae, guards and decorative elements, however it will be the long whole scabbard of these swords that will carry the fundamental weight of the classification.
关键词:Sword of antennae;Scabbard;Second Iron Age;Meseta;Plateau Aquitaine;Espada de antenas;Vaina;Segunda Edad del Hierro;Meseta;Aquitania