标题:Gestão de riscos em projetos de inovação atráves da abordagem contingencial: análise conceitual e proposição de modelo estruturado para redução de incertezas em projetos complexos
摘要:The intensification of innovatory activities in the organizations has been unleashing the appearance of projects of high risk and with determined level of complexity and when the search was stimulated by models that could they make manageable the uncertainties and risks of these projects. Traditional methodologies are already not sufficient for they secure the success of these projects. The premise of which a set of tools and standardized techniques could be applicable to all the types of projects has been strongly questioned, given to the basic existent differences between them. This article is focused in innovatory projects present a revision and analysis of the literature of risk management from a cotangential perspective. Articles were lifted in the scientific bases of data thinking - if two great slopes: tipology of projects and methodologies for management of risks of projects inovativos and complex. On basis of the critical analysis of the literature, there happened a proposition of a structured model.
关键词:Gestão de projetos ; Inovação ; Abordagem contingencial ; Tipologia de projetos ; Metodologias inovadoras