摘要:The research described in this article aimed at identifying and assessing the skills of SMEs to innovate within technology-based industries, such as the aerospace, automobile and chemical industries, in Vale do Paraíba Paulista. The study was exploratory and descriptive and used a draft instrument to collect quantitative data in the form of the scale proposed by François et al. (1999). A complementary qualitative research phase was also performed with the use of semi-structured interviews and content analysis. The results allow us to say that the instruments used to collect data helped to map out a clear framework of innovation skills that might be of use to technology-based SMEs. Activities related to studying innovation skills were observed in the SMEs in the sample, however, these skills can be improved upon. Some recommendations are presented in the conclusion of the article. The results suggest, for future research topics, construction of an in-depth understanding of innovation skills for technology-based SMEs, to demand more detailed consideration of the level of development of these industries; the availability of resources, of how this refines and professionalizes its administration; and the level of technological complexity of its activities, among others.
关键词:Competência ; Inovação ; Pequenas e Médias Empresas (PMEs)