摘要:The article presents the results of some researches on formation of positive attitude as the basis for the individual enriching of the language. The pedagogical process should cover 5 levels in order to assure the regulation of attitudes formation: 1) cognitive; 2) affecting; 3) connotative; 4) regulating; 5) ascertaining. The results of the experiment are presented in a table what gives the possibility to evaluate the present-day attitudes towards the studies of foreign languages and pedagogical-psychological mechanisms of their formation. Students present the positive attitude towards foreign language studies. They would like to expand their vocabulary and mark that more than 40 % of studies should be devoted to lexis. Having conducted an experiment, it could be stated that 40 % of respondents from the experiment group developed a more positive attitude towards learning a foreign language and defined that they feel pleasure in learning it while at the beginning of the experiment only 8 % of students defined this variable. Article in Lithuanian
关键词:attitude towards learning a foreign language;autonomous studies;levels of the regulation of attitude;nuostata užsienio kalbos atžvilgiu;autonominės studijos;nuostatos reguliavimo lygiai