摘要:Assessment and evaluation are among the essential functions performed by an educator. What is more, they are closely related to the communication of the teaching process efficiency in terms of verification of learner and educator expectations, determination of learning and teaching quality achievement, and generalization of educational activities. The present study aims at the analysis of assessment techniques applied in the master degree linguistic studies. Initially, a brief theoretical overview of both formal and informal assessment me- thods is provided, with the focus on their distinctive features and ways of application in the light of Bloom’s taxonomy and Dublin description representing the competence requirements set for the gain of definite skills. Further, the results of the survey (conducted at Kaunas Faculty of Humanities, Vilnius University) are described. Finally, the eligible assessment techniques serving the purpose of efficient educational process in the second-cycle study process are identified.
关键词:teaching process, assessment, evaluation, assessing metods, abilities, quality of studies;mokymo procesas, vertinimas, įvertinimas, vertinimo metodai, gebėjimai, studijų kokybė