摘要:The aim of this study was to analyze the behavior of neuromotor variables of muscle strength of superior and inferior members, and handgrip, of aged women practicing water aerobics, in a two years period. Sample was composed by intencional way, by 21 aged women with mean age of 70,19 (±5,69) years, participants of the “Grupo de Estudos da Terceira Idade”. It was used in the statistical analysis the test of MANOVA for repeated measures and the Bonferroni Post-Hoc tests, both with a level of significancy of 5%. A significant difference was verified in the group of strength levels during the two-year follow up (p < 0,001). The strength levels that showed significant differences were: superior (p=0,002) and inferior (p < 0,001) members and the rigth handgrip (p=0,020). The strength level of left handgrip did not showed any significant statistically changes (p=0,216). Thus, in general ways, programs of hidrogymnastics are programs are recommended for increase and maintenance of strength levels of aged women.