摘要:The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the neuromuscular indexes with the 200- and 400-m sprint running performance. Fourteen federated sprinters took part in this study. The athletes performed the SJ, CMJ and CJ15s vertical jumps on a force platform to obtain the jump height variable. In addition, performance time in 20-m sprints and simulated 200- and 400-m races were measured. Multiple regression analyses (5% of significance) were used to determine variables associated with performance in the 200 m (P200) and 400 m (P400). Two models were generated to explain P200: the first to explain 56% of the P200 variability, using the variable CMJ alone; and the second to explain 68%, using the variables CMJ and sprints20m. None of the neuromuscular variables analyzed were associated with performance in the 400 m. Therefore, we concluded that CMJ, which involves the elastic energy stored during the stretch-shortening cycle, is the main variable to predict P200.