出版社:Programa de Pós-Graduação em Linguística - UFSC
摘要:This paper aims to investigate the development of argumentative discourse in the writing of the letter-of-complaint genre by students in the 4th grade of elementary school in a Brazilian public school, through the development of a Didactic Sequence. To undertake this work, we relied on the dialogical conception of Bakhtin (1988), the letter-of-complaint genre by Barton & Hall (2000) and Bazerman (2011), and Scheneuwly and Dolz’s studies (2004) on didactic sequence. Results showed that, when the productions of the participants are compared, the Didactic Sequence is an effective methodology for a systematic teaching and for a significant development of argumentative discourse.
关键词:Letter of complaint;Didactic sequence;Children’s argumentative discourse;Carta de reclamación;Secuencia didáctica;Discurso argumentativo infantil;Carta de reclamação;Sequência didática;Discurso argumentativo infantil