出版社:Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad Complutense
摘要:Mass media plays an important role in the formation of public opinion, therefore, representations of people with disabilities in the news media contribute to the general perceptions held about them. The purpose of this study was to analyze representations of disability in Spanish newspapers. Four newspapers were selected: El País , El Mundo , Huelva Información and Odiel , and all articles from a one year period, 05/2011 to 04/2012, were assessed for disability content. In total, 232 articles were found and were analyzed by content analysis. Although the results suggest a positive change in the way people with disabilities are represented, a serious effort is still needed to follow journalistic style guidelines which generate favorable attitudes towards disability.
关键词:Discapacidad;medios de comunicación social;lenguaje;estereotipos;ética periodística.