期刊名称:MANAJEMEN IKM: Jurnal Manajemen Pengembangan Industri Kecil Menengah
出版社:Institut Pertanian Bogor
摘要:Before a crisis 1997 happened, Bank XYZ in the portfolio of its credit, more of medium and big entrepreneur were financed by it, whereas for micro entrepreneur only filled obligation to the government. When the crisis, the medium and big entrepreneur got difficulties; Bank XYZ also felt the same effect but the micro entrepreneur could survive. Based on the fact, PT Bank XYZ (Persero) Tbk made the decision letter No. KP/041/DIR/R date 27 February 2002 about formation of micro banking unit (UBM). It handled the necessity of fund or service banking for the micro entrepreneur which made the new institution micro unit, totally ULM become 155 unit. 100 set questioners disseminated to micro customer by collecting purposive samples which existed in the ULM office Pasar Minggu and Pasar Cipulir, in the south of Jakarta and Modernland in Tangerang. For knowing the information of micro debitor in order to analyze financing of micro credit, questioner pressed in the form of exertion; activity and exertion experience; work and finance condition of micro debitor; ease, desire and debitor expectation. Something else was analysis performance of ULM credit and profitability giving micro credit compared to another type credit on medium and retail business. Based on the analysis result it got information that the interest income from micro credit gave a fairly big contribution in the total interest income which had collectability average 9,6%, mean while retail sector 98% and middle sector 98,3%. The working of ULM per December 2003 reached Rp 153,4 triliun (18% from the target). Based on the simulation result, getting credit interest seemed that micro interest income was higher and profitable. The other matter, monetary performance of micro debitor was fairly good with the average profitability 9,0-17,4%, requirement of addition of quick capital need and the debitor did not get difficulty when they filled their financial obligation to the bank because of accepted credit facility.