出版社:Niğde Üniversitesi Mühendislik Fakültesi Dekanlığı
摘要:In this study, the pool and weir fishway which is the most commonly used fishway in the world and in our country, was investigated experimentally. The experiments were conducted in an open channel system. The velocity area of the flow in five pools created by using weirs was measured by using aquistic doppler velocimeter. The orifices on the weirs were reduced in the ratio of ½ that of given in the literature for the grayling ( Thymallus thymallus ) or the brown trout ( Salmo trutta ) to pass. In the experiments for a discharge value of Q=6.2 L/s, the difference between the height of the water surface of downward and upward side of the first weir was found to be 2 cm and 1 cm for the others. For Q=12.2 L/s, these differences between the water surface heights were 5.5 cm for all weirs. The maximum velocities were obtained next to downward of the orifices. Moreover, far from the high velocity areas near the orifices, lower velocity areas in the pools that fishes could rest during the passes were determined. Keywords: Pool and weir fishway, aquistic doppler velocimeter, open channel, orifice