标题:Metodologia do ensino e da pesquisa em sociologia do esporte na Universidade Federal do Paraná: o programa investigativo do Centro de Pesquisa em Esporte, Lazer e Sociedade
摘要:In this paper we present some of the nuances of the ongoing development of theMethodology of Teaching and Research in Sociology of Sport at the UniversidadeFederal do Paraná (UFPR). For this purpose, we showed some of the experiences andinitiatives shared among undergraduate and post-graduate students and professors ofPhysical Education. In the first part of the text, we propose to register the experience livedby one of the groups in this institution regarding to its work dynamic and theoreticalmethodologicalprocedures commune in the treatment of the sociological phenomenonof modern sports. In the second part of the text, in turn, lays out the format uponwhich is conducted subject “Sociology of Sport” in the Course of Bachelor in PhysicalEducation at UFPR.
关键词:Sociology of Sport;Research Methodology;Methodology for Higher Education;Educação Física;Esporte;Lazer