摘要:This work investigated the application of heart rate variability (HRV) for monitoring and recording the states of autonomic arousal of a driver in interstate travel a 725 km away. The HRV signal is used as a tool for asses- sing the performance of the nervous system in heart rate control. They took into account environmental variables resulting from this task. At five different moments of the trip were measured signals R-R of ventri- cular rate (interval between two R waves matches the frequency of ventricular depola- rization) and simultaneously performed a reaction time test driver. The results expressed strong correlations among the low- frequency heart rate variability (LF – Low Frequency) and high frequency heart rate variability (HF– High Frequency) with the reaction time, which indicates the need to invest in a possible continuous monitoring of HRV the driver as an indicator of his condition to drive. Tool that would work in preventing traffic accidents. We suggest the use of restorative environments on the road to avoid accidents of this kind.
关键词:Environmental Psychology;Restorative environments;Traffic;Heart rate variability;Reaction time;Psicologia Ambiental;Ambientes restauradores;Trânsito;Variabilidade de freqüência cardíaca;Tempo de reação