摘要:Pengembangan Model Pembinaan SD Muhammadiyah di Malang Raya Untuk Menjadi Sekolah PPL Berbasis Pendidikan Inklusi bagi Mahasiswa PGSD-UMM Endang Poerwanti1 & Lise Chamisijatin2 Staf Pengajar 1Jurusan Civic Hukum, 2Jurusan Ilmu Biologi Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang Email: 1endangpoer@yahoo.com, 2lise_chin@yahoo.co.id ABSTRACT Substantively, Elementary School-MI teacher competencies are grouped into five core competencies, that are, 1. Gain insight into a virtuous educator. 2. Introduction of learner deeply. 3. Mastery of subject areas. 4. Implementation of educates learning. 5. Development of professional skill continuously. Those five competencies are the scientific basic of the art of teaching in which, if it is implemented on the real condition in school will be possible to gain the professional competence by an Elementary School-MI teacher. To be able to prepare that graduate student are needed the curriculum and the tools, effective lectures, and giving practice teaching in the Elementary School. In addition, to give experience in teaching practice, it is needed the school partners, that is Elementary School which have knowledge or insight about school based improvement quality with a good management and human resources. Expectedly, those school partners are Muhammadiyah Elementary School in Malang Area. Therefore, it is needed readiness analysis of Muhammadiyah Elementary School to be a school which is able to give the knowledge about teaching practice and school management. The research was designed about two years; the findings on the first year were 1. The map of shcool ability and readiness to be a place which were used as practice teaching school for students of PGSD-UMM. 2. The needs analysis and assistancy model that was needed to improve the readiness of Muhammadiyah Elementary School became practice teaching school. Meanwhile, on the second years were giving the teachers and the principals of Muhammadiyah Elementary School a training and mentoring in order to be a guidance teacher for the students of PGSD (Model, materials, and the training form and assistance were suited with the results on the first year). The first year methodology was the arrangement of Muhammadiyah Elementary School readiness map which is done by framing of the potention in schools. Furthermore, by using school’s instrument of effective indicator and school based management, and also inclusive education, the map of discrepancy/gap between the ideal condition and the real condition will be used as a FGD material along with the principals and representative teacher from schools to develop training and mentoring model that suit in the fields. Keyword: Model Development, Inclusive Education