期刊名称:Revista Innovar Journal Revista de Ciencias Administrativas y Sociales
出版社:Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Bogotá
摘要:This article reflects on defining the so-called social company and proposes content for its social responsibility. Two matrices are presented as elements for analysis and support in constructing this concept and organisational typology is proposed. The dimensions used for such conceptualisation were creating economic value, creating social value and capturing economic value by clients located at the base of the pyramid. Regarding a social company's social responsibility, the importance of implementing its generic social strategy is stressed: acquiring and developing its own resources and abilities orientated towards improving value, social value-creating commercial interaction, reputation and employees' significant or contributive motivation. Educating low-income clients' in using products (goods and services) is established as being one of the more important points for social impact in a social company's activity, since it is one of the routes for expanding its abilities and liberties and thus for better exploiting the context's economic and social opportunities.
关键词:Social company;social responsibility;capturing economic value;resource-based view;the base of the pyramid;expanding client ability;citizen;Empresa social;responsabilidad social;captura de valor económico;resource-based view;base de la pirámide;expansión de las capacidades de los clientes;ciudadanos;Entreprise sociale;responsabilité sociale;saisie de valeur économique;resource-based view;base de la pyramide;élargissement des capacités des clients;citoyens;Empresa social;responsabilidade social;captura de valor econômico;resource-based view;base da pirâmide;expansão das capacidades dos clientes;cidadãos