摘要:Rizali Rahmawanto1, A. Wicaksono2 & Sugeng P. Budio3 1,2&3Fakultas Teknik Jurusan Teknik Sipil Universitas Brawijaya Malang Alamat Korespondensi : Jl. MT. Haryono No 167 Malang, Indonesia ABSTRACT This research aims to find the most dominant factor that determines the Committing Officer (CO) to improve their performance, to determine the performance appraisal field coordinator Committing Officer (CO), to know how to improve the performance of the Committing Officer (CO) to achieve targets as per the Contract Performance. Validity test results indicate that all variables are as valid as each item has a value of Pearson Correlatian amounted to less than 0.05, and the test showed that the value of Cronbach’s Alpha greater than 0.6 so variable and item questionnaire is compliant study. Dominant factor test results using factor analysis showed the dominant factor as a determinant of Committing Officer in improving the performance seen from the level of satisfaction is the location factor (55.124%), factor equipment (19.034%), the budget factor (15.718%), personnel factor (6.716% ), partner factor (3.408%). While the dominant factor based on the level of interest is the location factor (69.252%), the budget factor (20.992%), personnel factor (4.426%), equipment factor (3.523%) and the partner factor (1.807%). Keywords: Committing Officer (CO), Performance, Factor Dominant