摘要:Objective: This study was carried out to assess the level of cassava consumption and food security status of cassava growing households. Materials and Methods: The study was done in cassava growing villages and respondents consisted of 102 cassava grower-processors. To assess the food security status of respondents households, the study adopted the US adult food security survey module. Data were analyzed qualitatively and using descriptive statistics. Results: Cassava was consumed everyday and became the most consumed staple food which households obtained mostly from own farming. Among cassava based foods, kasoami was the most frequently consumed staple. A great majority of respondents households (96%) were food secure. Conclusion: Cassava had proven suitable with the farming system and local food system and served as key food security crop in the area. Therefore, cassava should be promoted to maintain and even increase its productivity to make sure that households can maintain their diet and livelihoods. Policies to support production and processing of cassava and to promote the availability of cassava products in public markets could contribute to improved rural food security, especially in the time of climate change .