摘要:http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/223613086967 SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT OF THE CITY OF NATAL/RN: CHARACTERIZATION RECYCLINGCOOPERATIVESIn search of survival, man, maintains relationships with nature taking her all she needed.Consumerism which is laid modern society makes it removed nature beyond what can be used.Thus there is significant production of solid waste, generating various environmental issues andsocial health. Some steps are being taken to alleviate this problem, since the solid waste, in mostcases, can be recycled. Given this, many associations and cooperatives of recyclable materialcollectors emerge globally. The role played by these entities is relevant for contributing to a moresustainable environment. Therefore, this study focused on the environmental benefits ofcollecting recyclables Cooperative Recyclable Materials and Sustainable Development RN(COOCAMAR) and Recyclable Materials Cooperative of Natal (COOPCICLA) to the city of Natal/RN ,trying to describe the process of collection and disposal of recyclable materials, knowing the typesof materials collected and verify the socioeconomic profile of scavengers and their correlations.