We have developed a station method to offer combined cardiovascular and respiratory physiology exercises all in one laboratory period during our medical physiology course. This laboratory was designed for first-year medical students in order to minimize equipment costs, maximize efficient use of both student and faculty time, and facilitate integration of basic cardiovascular concepts with those in respiratory physiology. We designed six stations for the students to evaluate: cardiovascular and respiratory responses to dynamic exercise, cold pressor reflex, postural influences and respiratory modulation of cardiovascular functions, forced expiratory maneuvers with inverted bell spirometers, forced expiratory maneuvers and maximal inspiratory maneuvers with electronic spirometers with and without obstruction, and respiratory muscle strength. Students worked in groups of two to four and were assessed by individual laboratory reports. Although we neglected to formally assess the impact on students of changes in laboratory design, students appeared to respond enthusiastically to the laboratory and prepared knowledgeable laboratory reports.