摘要:The tourists’ offices are considered as one of the basic infrastructures for the development of tourism and the function of these offices implies the tourism condition and the related services in each society. These types of organizations try to provide the traveling information and activities and also what are required by the tourists. The main duty of the tourists’ offices is the fulfillment of the tourists’ demand or motivating people toward touristic attractions and predicting people’s incentives for traveling. The purpose of the present study is not only determining the effective factors on the function of such offices, but also evaluating these offices by the foreign tourists in order to state the strengths and weaknesses of the tourists’ offices of Isfahan and propose some strategies to improve the quality and quantity of the services presented by these offices. The methodology of the present study is analytic- descriptive, in this regard besides doing some library studies and field studies, the required information has also been collected. The results show that the mere existence of different tourists’ offices cannot be regarded as the main factor of attracting the tourists and especially the foreign tourists, but some other factors like proper facilities, organized planning, vast and disciplined advertisements and also the familiarity of the tourists’ offices clerks with the international languages can be effective. Consequently, the tourists’ contentment is achieved and the economic situation of the country will be developed through attracting so many tourists.