The belief of Afterlife is one of the fundamental of Islamic belief system. The wellbeing in this world will reflectour future in the Hereafter. Knowing the level of Muslim’s perception on the Afterlife could illustrate that theMalaysian Muslims are still upholding the Islamic teachings and traditions. This paper reports on the findings ofa study on Malaysian’s Muslims perception towards the metaphysical dimension of the Islamic belief system,specifically the Afterlife. 640 respondents, males and females (aged 18 to 55 years old) participated in the study.They were randomly selected from all over Malaysia and were given a booklet of questionnaire, containingstatements about the Islamic belief system including the belief in the Afterlife. Each statement was provided withfive choices in the form of Likert type scale ranging from 1 to 5. The booklets of questionnaire were collectedand the responses were analysed using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) to obtain the meansresponses and also the percentages of the responses. The means differences were tested using the t-test alsoone-way ANOVA. The study discovered that Malaysian 99.4% of the respondents believed the afterlife. Only0.6% of the respondents either not sure or did not believe the afterlife.