The rapid development of various leisure and public pools in the 20th century has led to increased humanexposure to chlorinated products. It has been observed that swimmers and pool workers, who are in regularcontact with chlorinated indoor pool waters showed an increased risk of respiratory and allergic diseases.Various studies have reported that by-products of the chlorine based disinfectant used for the purpose of waterpurification can trigger allergic sensitization, thereby affecting the epithelial barriers and increasing thepermeability of the allergens. With the ever increasing popularity of indoor swimming pool and recreationalwater activities, it is imperative to evaluate the impact of chlorine-based disinfectants and its oxidants on humanhealth and their possible association with widespread allergic diseases. This paper reviews the existing literatureand empirical studies conducted with regards to the human exposure to the harmful chemicals and by-productsof chlorine-based disinfectants, especially in an indoor swimming pool setting and its association with thedevelopment of allergic and respiratory disorders.