Patients’ satisfaction at public hospitals is an integral part to any hospital in the world. In recent times, health care industry has restructured its services to give better health care services to the study on patients. The focus of the study on patient’ satisfaction from public hospitals services in selected cities Alkharj and Hotat Bani Tamim of Riyadh regions, Saudi Arabia. In these two public hospitals from each city, we conducted a sample of two hundred nineteen patients including hospitals representatives selected to collect primary data using Rasch measurement model, the measured items with the goodness fit and misfit of data. In the public hospitals services five items fulfilled the three stipulated criteria for misfit while two diagnosed as minor misfits. Patients’ satisfaction from the two hospitals none of the items fulfilled the three stipulated criteria for misfit is due to varies of response from the respondents. The study shows that public hospitals are not performing well and hospitals services are inappropriate according to the needs of hospital representatives.