摘要:We discuss the main implications of the implementation of projects for the mass change from incandescent light bulbs to fluorescent lamps. The most relevant issues related to this implementation include the positive and negative impacts on the environment, the distribution systems and consumers. Also we describe the experience of some countries regarding product labelling. From a general perspective, this paper comments on the Venezuelan experience in this type of projects and compares them with other Latin American countries. Douglas Antonio PAREDES MARqUINA Universidad de Los Andes, Programa Doctoral en Desarrollo, Sostenibilidad y Ecodiseño (UPV-ULA). Mérida, Venezuela.
关键词:Compact fluorescent lamp;Energy quality;Harmonious construction;Energy saving;Energetic efficiency;Labelling;Environmental impact;Dangerous hazards;Lámpara fluorescente compacta;Calidad de la energía;Contaminación armónica;Ahorro energético;Eficiencia energética;Etiquetado;Impacto ambiental;Desechos peligrosos