As Thailand transitions into an ageing society, greater demands will be placed on healthcare systems. The concept of competency management and learning organization can be beneficial in continually expanding organizational capacity in order to create response. This study aimed to develop a new clinical fieldwork course in the community by utilizing competency-based development and assessment within the learning organization concept. Learning outcomes such as specification of programs, courses and field experience were designed under the competency standards of the Thai Qualifications Framework (TQF) for Higher Education and the World Federation of Occupational Therapists (WFOT).The household environmental risk management course was developed to support elderly people living in the community. It aligns with the new requirements for clinical fieldwork, which are guided by research and development (teaching, research and service) concepts. Course must provide a proactive approach with the potential to extend the capacity for continual learning, innovation and adaptation. Thus, academics can utilize research findings to improve the process, continually developing the quality and maturity of the organization over time.