摘要:The aim of this study was to predict the three climatologically data of daily maximum temperature (Tmax), daily minimum temperature (Tmin) and daily total precipitation (Ptot) at the Hamilton airport (HA), Ontario, Canada. To serve the stated objective, the observed Tmax, Tmin and Ptot data from the years of 1960 to 2005 at the Hamilton and Toronto airport, Ontario, Canada were utilized. The dataset of Hamilton airport from 1960 to 1984 were then fitted with Time Series (TS) regression model to predict the Tmax, Tmin and Ptot for the years of 1985 to 2005 at the Hamilton airport, Ontario, Canada. Additionally, the changes in the climatologically data averaged over one- and 10-year period were also investigated. The results showed that the TS model was best suited in generating the daily maximum temperature and daily minimum temperature, whereas it was not capable of evaluating the daily total precipitation at the Hamilton airport. Finally, a detailed statistical analysis was performed to support the findings.