摘要:In recent years, the concepts of sustainable development are discussed as the core of spatial planning around the world. Also, achieving these concepts is the ultimate goal in many kinds of planning. As it is known sustainable development will be approached when the same three objectives are realized; environmental protection, social justice and economic development. In today’s world, it can be stated, excessive using of motor vehicles, especially in developing countries is one of the most influential factors on the environment. It is depending on type of arrangement and distribution of land uses in the cities. The findings of this paper, as an experimental study are explaining the impact of distribution and diversity of land uses on encouraging residents to use sustainable transportation modes. In this survey two districts of Shiraz metropolitan have been selected with similarity in demographic characteristics and differences in Land-use mix as the case study to compare. Basic data has been collected through 350 household questionnaires. Relationship between land-use mix and travel indicators, including the transportation mode and average trip length, has been done by statistical analysis (analysis of variance and correlation analysis).The results revealed that in areas with high rate of land-use mix the average length of vehicle trips by residents will be decreased. On the other hand, the usage of compatible vehicle with the environment increases. It can be concluded that appropriate policies in land use planning leads us to achieve sustainable transportation.