The present research on"Investigation on outdoor air pollution has substantial effect on health of road side venders in India"have been carried out at Lakdikapul station. The ambient air quality was measured in this traffic station and the monthly means were recorded. A 24 h cycle of hourly sampling was also carried out to assess the peak hour traffic concentrations of the ambient air quality parameters. The mean concentration of the TSPM recorded for the whole study period was 308.20 µg/m3. the mean concentration of the RSPM recorded for the whole study period was 112.01 µg/m3. The mean concentration of sulphur dioxide for the whole study period was 5.78 µg/m3. The concentrations of the oxides of nitrogen for the whole study period ranged between 23.70 and 42.60 µg/m3, with a monthly mean of 31.30 µg/m3. The mean concentration of CO2 for the whole study period was 3.10 mg/m3. At Lakdikapul, out of the five roadside vendors, 3 subject vendors have showed a decrease in the Forced Expiratory Volume in first second. The FEV1 ranged from -50.00 to -840.00 ml among these vendors. Two of the subject vendors have shown an improved FEV1 which ranged from 0 to 290.00 ml. Reducing exposure, especially from traffic, is the most effective strategy to mitigate the effects of pollution. The Air Quality Health Index is a tool that can help patients gauge risk before engaging in outdoor activity.